IT Literacy – ITI Mock Test 1st Year Employability SkillTest IT Literacy – ITI Mock Test 1st Year Employability Skill All Trade IT Literacy - ITI Mock Test 1st Year Employability Skill 1 / 201. Which shortcut is used to save a word file in MS-Word? A) Ctrl + N B) Ctrl + B C) Alt + S D) Ctrl + S 2 / 202. In Windows, you can lock your computer by pressing ______ combination keys. A) Lock + Prt Scr B) Delete + Shift C) Ctrl + Shift + Del D) Space bar + Alt + F4 3 / 203. Operating systems have a special language called________ . A) Binary Language B) Access Code C) Linux Code D) Reboot Code 4 / 204. ______ function allows the user to perform addition operation A) addition() B) Sum() C) Sumif() D) Addall() 5 / 205. _______ is an electronic message transmitted over internet. A) Message B) Chatbox C) E-Mail D) Webpage 6 / 206. _______ are generally small, individual software that can be Downloded from Playstore or Appstore. A) Internet B) Spreadsheet C) Mobile Applications D) TV Shows 7 / 207. Which among the following cannot be done through BHIM UPI? A) Requesting money from other verified user B) Scan and Pay using QR Codes C) Sending money to other verified user D) Chat with all your friends 8 / 208. Starting a computer is also called as ________. A) Running B) Scanning C) Booting D) Operating 9 / 209. _____ is the brain of the computer. A) Desktop B) Window C) Central Processing unit (CPU) D) Keyboard 10 / 2010. Banking transactions are only possible between ________ A) E Mail accounts B) Passcode verifyers C) Verified phone numbers D) Social Media accounts 11 / 2011. ________ are words that help us find what we are looking for on the Internet. A) Alphabets B) Keywords C) Browser D) Names 12 / 2012. Which among the following is the primary storage devices? A) Hard disk B) Floppy Disk C) Memory Card D) RAM & ROM 13 / 2013. To cut and paste content of a cell to another cell which shortcut combination is used? A) Ctrl C & Ctrl P B) Ctrl X & Ctrl V C) Alt C & Alt V D) Ctrl C & Ctrl P 14 / 2014. Which among the following is an example of a strong password? A) mycomputer B) Iloveindia C) abcd1234 D) @35dof#secure 15 / 2015. A wireless technology that connects a laptop to the internet is called _____ A) Bluetooth B) WiFi C) Source Network D) Desktop 16 / 2016. Which among the following is not a command of formatting toolbar? A) Bold B) Italic C) Font Colour D) Cut 17 / 2017. Microsoft Edge was introduced with Windows 10 and replaced ________ as the default web browser A) Google B) Internet Explorer C) Safari D) Mozilla Firefox 18 / 2018. Which function key allows you to rename a file? A) F1 B) F2 C) F3 D) F4 19 / 2019. What is the minimum age to register as an apprentice? A) 10 B) 14 C) 18 D) 21 20 / 2020. ______ contains one or more worksheets. A) Workbook B) Workfile C) Address bar D) Document Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Restart