Customer Interaction – ITI Mock Test 1st Year Employability Skill

Customer Interaction – ITI Mock Test 1st Year Employability Skill All Trade

Customer Interaction - ITI Mock Test 1st Year Employability Skill

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1. If a customer has registered a complaint against you, which of these steps should be followed.

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2. Feedback helps to __________

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3. Open ended questions start with which of the following words?

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4. If the customer is not buying your product or service, to keep them happy which of the following things should be done:

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5. When customers are satisfied with theservice/product, they become ______________ the brand.

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6. What are some of the important points to remember while greeting the customer?

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7. Which of the following is not true?

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8. How should we greet a customer?

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9. It is best to ask __________ questions when asking questions.

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10. Can I bill this item madam? Shall I bill this service sir? This is an example for

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11. What is feedback?

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12. The 4 stages of getting customers are ___________________________

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13. Listening to customer feedback andmodifying services help to ____________________

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14. Probing questions helps you

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15. Which of the following should be avoided during probing?

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16. You have greeted the customer. Choose which of the following statements you should use to complete the greeting

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17. Customers expect to be ________

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18. _________ is the last and final step that will ensure that the customer pays for the product or service.

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19. Based on the information that you get through probing, you will be in a better position to make _______

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